Kethum director Ruth Yearley to speak at Cision event

Last chance to join the Cision “art vs science” comms debate

Ruth Yearley, Ketchum‘s insight and strategy director, will give her take on how communicators should combine science and creativity at an exclusive Cision event next Thursday (19 October).

Meeting a select group of communicators in an intimate venue at London’s Courthouse Hotel, she’ll outline how she believes PRs can make the most of the data-driven insights that are transforming the industry.

Yearley will be joined by Paul Hender, Cision’s head of insight for EMEA.

Hender has been pushing the boundries of what’s possible with media intelligence since 1994. Today he’s responsible for driving development of Cision’s data analysis and social media services, providing communicators around the world with the very best data-driven insights.

Together, Yearley and Hender will examine how communicators can achieve the right balance between data and creativity to achieve the best results when planning their campaigns.

Time is running out to reserve your place. Register right away using the form below to hear some of the industry’s leading authorities outline their vision for the future of media intelligence.

Philip Smith, Cision’s head of content marketing and comms, said: “Paul and Ruth are both highly respected in their fields. So, if you work in PR or comms, I strongly recommend you reserve your place at this exclusive event right away.

“It will shine a light on what’s possible thanks to the latest advances in PR technology. And it’s sure to be packed full of actionable insights for data evangelists and sceptics alike.”

Demand is always high at these exclusive Cision thought leadership events – so reserve your place now using the form below.

Register now to secure your place

Please note, this event is exclusive to clients of Cision, Gorkana and PR Newswire. If you have any questions, email [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.

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