Most UK PRs now follow influencer marketing guidelines

Most UK communicators are now following the Committee of Advertising Practice’s guidelines for influencer marketing practices, a survey of 600 marketing and PR professionals has revealed.

The Takumi team

Takumi founders (left to right) Solberg Auðunsson, Mats Stigzelius and Gummi Eggertsson

The research which was released today by influencer marketing platform Takumi, found that more than half  (54%) of industry professionals now follow the guidelines, up from 37.5% in 2016.

The survey also revealed that 75% of marketers and communicators agree the guidelines are important for ensuring transparency about sponsored content, while 43% believe influencer marketing is the most effective way to target younger audiences.

Of the professionals surveyed, 65% use influencer marketing – with 33% of those who don’t citing concerns about being unable to effectively measure influencer marketing and 17% of them saying their brands don’t see its benefit.

“PR and marketing individuals and brands are becoming more and more savvy when it comes to working with influencers and content creators,” said Mats Stigzelius, Takumi’s co-founder and CEO. “I think that we can expect to see an increase in the use of influencers as part of a more targeted approach for consumers, particularly for millennial audiences.”

He added: “Whereas before there was a certain amount of confusion with regards to the guidelines, this research has shown that there is a greater awareness on how to get the most out of influencer marketing and what the guidelines are.”

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