Hotwire joins UK initiative to grow flexible jobs market

Hotwire has teamed up with recruitment firm Timewise to join its Hire Me My Way campaign, an initiative that aims to increase UK jobs that are advertised as open to flexible working options from the point of hire.

Loveday Langton

Hotwire says it wants to lead the way with its recruitment initiatives that promote flexible and part-time working at all job levels.

By joining the Hire Me My Way campaign, Hotwire will make it clear when advertising roles that they are open to discussing the possibility of flexible working options for all jobs during the recruitment process.

Karen Mattison, joint CEO at Timewise, said: “We’re delighted to be adding Hotwire to our list of employers committing to our Hire Me My Way campaign. We’re relentlessly looking to grow the UK’s flexible jobs market – to unlock access to better jobs for the millions of British part time and flexible workers.

“Hotwire has proved that they are not only a forward-thinking employer, but also one of the industry’s early adopters when it comes to flexible hiring, by genuinely listening to people’s needs and advertising their willingness to discuss flexible working options from day one. As there is no one gender who needs flexibility, there is no one reason. May more agencies take heed!”

Loveday Langton (pictured), group people and culture director at Hotwire, added: “Working flexibly has always been part of the culture at Hotwire, and we’re very happy to shout about this by signing up to the Hire Me My Way campaign. We want everyone looking for a great role in communications to have Hotwire at the top of their list, no matter what hours they need to work, and we will happily talk about the options during the recruitment process.

“Being flexible and treating our people as individuals makes sense for us as a business as we don’t miss out on talented people, it makes sense for our team as they can balance work with other commitments and it also means we’re doing our bit to make the comms sector a fairer and more sustainable place to work.”

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