60 Seconds with Fox PR’s Lysbeth Fox

Lysbeth Fox, founder and MD of luxury comms agency Fox PR, reveals why she decided to go it alone after two decades in PR, the highs and lows of running your own agency and why working in luxury PR is an “absolute joy”.

Lysbeth Fox

Is luxury PR as glamorous as it sounds?

I’d love to say “no, of course not”, but I do get to do things that people would dream of. I’ve shared experiences that are pinch-me-moments, attended events and met some of the world’s most amazing and aspirational people.
I am really grateful for what I do as a day job, but, yes, sometimes the early flights or gruelling schedule isn’t as glamorous as we luxury PRs make out it to be.

What made you decide to launch your own agency six years ago?

After working in PR for over 20 years I felt it was time to go out on my own. I’d actually decided this about 10 years previously but kept getting side-tracked as my clients hired me to work for them in house.
I don’t regret those previous 10 years, however, as what I learnt and the connections I made has shaped me and the company into what it is and who I am today.

What was the inspiration behind Fox PR?

Fox PR is a luxury communications agency,  built on the basis of my love of hotels and travelling.
I designed it so that our three specialist divisions reflect the offering of a luxury hotel: Travel (the accommodation side), Wellness (reflects the Spa) and Gourmet (the restaurants and F&B offering).  The idea is that we offer a lifestyle approach to these three specialist areas and organically work across each division to provide the best possible services and contacts on behalf of our clients.

What have been the highs and the lows of running your own agency?

Seeing a seedling grow from inception is one of life’s spectacular moments. And I do that on a daily basis; witnessing my team grow and the company expand, it’s all such an exciting and rewarding journey.  The lows are sometimes being on your own as a boss, meeting deadlines and targets, defining your goals and ambitions and yet being flexible enough to allow outside factors change the direction you were headed yet still keeping the steering on course.

What are your ambitions for Fox PR?

To grow the three separate divisions in their own right. We are always on the lookout for talented and connected people at Fox PR and want to invest in people who are ambitious and want to grow, as well as expand with the company. We have an amazing team of creative and professional people at Fox PR and I find their enthusiasm, commitment and loyalty a driving force of the business.

Describe your ideal client.

Luckily I can say I have a few already. My favourite client is one where we have mutual respect for each other – when we recommend something and they adhere and listen to our advice. And then when the shoe is on the other foot and we respect and listen to our clients’ needs and tailor the PR campaign accordingly to their requirements. It’s the perfect marriage and bodes well for a long lasting relationship.  

What’s been the highlight of your career to date?

Building Fox PR and achieving the successes we have for each of our clients, it’s an absolute joy. I tell people all the time, it’s the best job I’ve ever had, and I mean it.

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