Gorkana meets… Natascha Cox

Fashion, makeup, and lifestyle writer Natascha Cox talks to Gorkana’s Ebunola Adenipekun about her go-to blog for body positive inspiration, how its re-launch earlier this year as seen her readership go through the roof and why she love to work on collaborations with PRs and brands.

Natascha Cox

Natascha Cox

The eponymous Natascha Cox blog has grown to become a go-to place for body-positive inspiration and advice. How did it come about and what do you think is key to its success?

I didn’t really have a plan to start a blog, it kind of just happened. I sat down one day after years of being unsure of what I wanted to do and thought, ‘I’m going to write a blog’. I love fashion and most things that are typically girly so I just blend it all in to one.

I would say that I’m a genuine person and really can’t stand fake people. I try to be honest in my writing and keep everything as personal as I can, I thinks thats my biggest success factor.

If this is full-time, what were you doing before?

I blog full time. I’ve always worked in some area of media. I studied Video Production & Media Studies at university and then ran a child modelling agency for a few years. I’ve always loved to work for myself so I’m in the perfect job now. I pretty much fit in whatever I want to around my work.

It relaunched this year – so what’s in and what’s out?

I started the blog on Weebly, but after using it for quite a long time I just found that the functionality and growth capabilities were not there. I put off moving to another platform for a really long time as I was worried about losing all my work, but I eventually figured out how to do it and am so glad I made the jump. I chose WordPress and haven’t looked back since. I love the new template and the whole feel of the site in general.

Has your audience changed since?

Yes, my audience has grown incredibly. I am now at 48,000 unique monthly visitors and my social media following is around 85,000. I have a large UK following, but also have a big US and European following now too.

Talk us through each section of your site.

Fashion – I try to incorporate the latest pieces in to my own personal style. I occasionally post specific style pieces, but my preferred posting style is to write about a day out or an event and just incorporate a look in to the post. I think readers prefer this as it’s far more organic.

Beauty – I love beauty products and always try to keep up with the newest releases. I take tons of pictures and always try to include swatch style images so readers can see how the colours really look on me and this means I can describe how the products feels on as well.

Travel – You will find a post in my travel section for each time I have been away. I rarely go to the same destination. I make sure to include food, activities and a million pictures of my surroundings and the accommodation of where I stay.

What does a typical day look like?

I have kids, so after I’ve dropped them to school I will head into London and attend a few events or meetings otherwise I will go home and start writing or catch up on my emails.

Describe your relationship with PRs.

I keep in touch with them and let them know what I’m working on through mail outs and most seem to appreciate this. It’s important to say that there are downsides to this. The PR/Blogger relationship is give and take, but I feel like some PRs want something for nothing a lot of the time and don’t appreciate that a lot of work goes in to my blog and social content.

Bloggers aren’t employed by a magazine so we don’t receive a set salary. We do need to be paid for our work so if you really like my blog then please be prepared to offer budget for my content.

How can PRs help with content for the site?

Suggestions are always welcome, but I will only feature what I really love. I don’t always get to feature everything that is sent to me so it’s best to agree things with me first.

Samples are a must as I don’t use stock images on my site. All my imagery is unique.

How do you like to work with PRs?

I prefer emails, its much easier to keep in touch when I’m out and about. I love to work on collaborations with PRs and brands, especially events.

I prefer a brand that wants to collaborate on a long term basis rather than a one of post.

I have just been taken on by Carol Hayes Management, which also manages Gok Wan, Linda Barker and Faye Sawyer, so PRs will have to go through them more now.

What are your three top tips for PRs when pitching ideas?

  1. Have a realistic budget in mind.
  2. Does your client fit in with my brand?
  3. Could we work together on a long term basis?

What do you like to do outside blogging?

There isn’t really an ‘outside of blogging’ lol. I love to go out for dinner and cocktails and I love to travel. The travel part can be hard because of the kids but I do sill try and keep part of my life for myself so try to make as much me time as possible. Travel fits in with blogging perfectly so I get a lot of opportunity to go away.

I love a spa day or just a quick one hour massage when I get the chance too.

And finally, who is your favourite designer?

Do I have to choose one?! I love so many, and my style is quite young and funky. Henry Holland, Alice Archer, Balmain and Miu Miu are tops. I do love high street too though and tend to shop online a lot! I absolutely love ASOS.

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