David Buik to host PRCA City and Financial Awards

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David Buik

The PRCA (Public Relations and Communications Association) has announced that David Buik, a business and financial correspondent for the BBC and other international TV channels, will host next year’s City and Financial Awards.

The awards recognise financial communications and communicators, and support membership organisation for the City, The Company of Public Relations Practitioners.

Buik’s career has encompassed merchant banking and money broking. He has spent the last 16 years as a market commentator at Cantor Index, BGC Partners and, most recently, at stockbroker Panmure Gordon & Co.

Buik said: “It is a pleasure to once again be compere of the PRCA’s City and Financial Awards. I look forward to meeting all of the finalists and celebrating another great year in financial and corporate communications.”

The City and Financial Awards will take place on Wednesday 22 February 2017 at Merchant Taylors Hall in the City of London. For information around categories, judges, or to enter, visit the website here. The early-bird deadline for entries is 22 December 2016.

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